GLOBAL GENIUS Olympiads are the most prestigious and incontestably the toughest Olympiads at Pre-university level in India. The vision of the Global Genius Olympiads is to foster creativity and genius in student and make student think beyond what he is expected to understand at the school level. In the process, we help students think further, realize their misconceptions, work on them and have better understanding and grip of the subject.
We have an illustrious advisory board from all over the Globe who advise on best academic practices globally and aims to nurture creative pursuits.
Answering 25%-30% of the question paper correctly usually helps the student clear the Screening Test! Global Genius Olympiad has set the testing and evaluation standards in Olympiads. Our Management team has been education & assessment sector for last three decade and has conducted more than 9 million students test. With such an impeccable record, we proudly announce Global Genius Olympiads 2013-14. We intend to conduct different Olympiads covering science, mathematics, informatics, English, General Awareness and these are at different classes commencing from class/standard III-XII.